Bendul Merisi Utara VIII No. 8
Surabaya - Jawa Timur

Hits: 1096

Auditory Habilitation  is highly specialist early intervention programme which equips parents with the skills to maximise their deaf child’s speech and language development. The Auditory Habilitattionl approach stimulates auditory brain development and enables deaf children with hearing aids and cochlear implants to make sense of the sound relayed by their devices.  As a result, children with hearing loss are better able to develop listening and spoken language skills, with the aim of giving them the same opportunities and an equal start in life as hearing children. (AV-UK)

Pengertian Auditory Habilitasi :

Metode Pembelajaran untuk menstimulasi otak untuk melatih sayraf dengar dalam rangka mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara dan berbahasa yang berbasis keluarga dengan bantuan tekhnologi pendengaran (ABD, CI ) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak.


Jam Layanan

Auditory Habilitasi                                                            08.00-15.00 WIB